Monday, November 22, 2010

Poll: Dressing vs. Stuffing - Does It Matter if It's Shoved Into a Bird's Butt?

Today, The Gonzo Mama asks that age-old question: Do you still call it "stuffing" if it's not shoved into a dead bird's butt? Or do you call it "dressing" instead?

(Whatever you call it, click here to see how The Gonzo Mama makes it!)

Take the poll!

Note: There is a poll embedded into this post. If you can't see it, please visit directly from your computer.

1 comment:

  1. I voted for the last option (though I'd consider it "stuffing" if it's inside of a Tofurky/Celebration Roast/etc. as well!) However, I'm not sure about the whole "dressing=Southern" issue; my Texas family always called it dressing (and it is made with my great-grandmother's recipe for sweet cornbread always, no exceptions), but we never had it inside anything - always on the side. My b/f is from Oklahoma, and he says his family calls it dressing as well, though they prepared/served it both ways, depending on the year.
